Wednesday, January 20, 2010

You Should Have a Blog

O.K., so I have a blog. Now what? A lot of people have told me that I should have one. Apparently there is hope that my live charm and wit might perhaps transfer well to the written word. I'm not so hopeful, but I figure, what the hell? I have a lot crap in my head that needs to come out, and what better place to deposit it then the Internet. Plus, I've read a couple of other peoples blogs and good LORD are you people boring. Just a whole bunch of "Today I worked out for 30 min and was very nice to have that time to...blah, blah blah" and "Little Mikey scored 100% on his math test today. We are so proud of him because he has been working so hard. You know it is hard to be a parent sometimes..." Zzz. Really? No. Really? So I figured, other then the likely grammatical error or so, it can't be too much of a challenge to be more interesting then that. After all...I am a redhead.


  1. AMEN! I just read an entire blog post devoted to whether or not the author should invest in a minivan. I almost called the blog police.

  2. My blog play
    Blog enter room
    Dr Ed says
    "Igor, get that thing out of here".
    Blog comes close to dude
    Oh my god its got my foot, wheres the baby! my life is crap!"
    Blog is bored so goes to Costco for samples.
    This is a work in progress.
